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Please read r.e. controller problems with v7 build!

OK guys, I’ve been ‘reverse-engineering’ my build to try and find out what the problem with controllers not working is and I’ve found out the problem… unfortunately, I have dropped a bollock here and caused this problem myself!! :oops:

When creating the build I copied elements of my old ‘retroarch.cfg’ file (that I have been using since v3 B2), and without paying attention I have copied over an incorrect directory path for where the controller configurations are held. This means that on first setup your controller setup in Emulation Station works fine, but when it comes to playing a game in any of the RetroArch emulators, it cant see that the control pad has been set up…. which means no controls for you. Doh!

So then, to fix this error I will upload a v7.1 release of my build and delete the v.7 BUT I appreciate there will be some folk who don’t want to go through the whole download / install process again so here is how you can fix it yourself, should you want to (you will need to either SSH into the Pi or press <F4> to enter the terminal on the Pi itself):

Type in the following at the command prompt:

sudo nano /opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch.cfg

Now scroll down the file until you find the following line of text in the ‘Input’ section (its quite far down, line 379 to be exact):

joypad_autoconfig_dir = /opt/retropie/emulators/retroarch/configs/

This is the incorrect directory (it was used in an earlier version of RetroPie but changed recently). You need to change it to exactly match the below:

joypad_autoconfig_dir = /opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch-joypads/

Now save the file, exit out of the text editor and restart Emulation Station. Choose a game to run (must be via the RetroArch emulator, i.e. Megadrive, SNES, NES etc.), and you should find your controller will be set up and ready to play.

My apologies for the error and frustration I imagine you were experiencing and apologies to RetroPie admin if anyone had posted a ‘bug’ in a thread outside of this one! I will post a new link soon (tonight) for those who want to re-download. Incidentally, I have also fixed a script error within the Doom1 script (it was pointing to doom2.wad in error), and also deleted a few un-needed folders that I had left behind when compiling certain games / dependencies.

Sorry again! :oops:

All the best.