
Are you still having trouble with this? I’m new with this stuff so I’m no expert, but I was having the same issues with PSI sound being all jacked and generally running weird, and I think I got it to work by switching to the genesisplus gx thing in the es_systems.cfg. Here’s what I did:

1. Change file and folder permissions to allow editing of es_systems.cfg — in terminal enter “sudo chown -R pi /etc/emulationstation/” (no quotation marks)

2. Edit the es_systems.cfg file in nano — in terminal enter “nano /etc/emulationstation/es_systems.cfg”

3. Change this:

<fullname>Sega Master System / Mark III</fullname>
<extension>.sms .SMS .zip .ZIP</extension>
<command>/opt/retropie/supplementary/runcommand/runcommand.sh 4 “/opt/retropie/emulators/retroarch/bin/retroarch -L /opt/retropie/libretrocores/picodrive/picodrive_libretro.so –config /opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch.cfg –appendconfig /opt/retropie/configs/mastersystem/retroarch.cfg %ROM%” “picodrive”</command>


<fullname>Sega Master System / Mark III</fullname>
<extension>.sms .SMS .zip .ZIP</extension>
<command>/opt/retropie/supplementary/runcommand/runcommand.sh 4 “/opt/retropie/emulators/retroarch/bin/retroarch -L /opt/retropie/libretrocores/genesislibretro/genesis_plus_gx_libretro.so –config /opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch.cfg –appendconfig /opt/retropie/configs/mastersystem/retroarch.cfg %ROM%” “genesislibretro”</command>

Really, you’re just changing a few words in the <command> section (i.e., changing picodrive references to genesislibretro), but I copied and pasted the entire <system> section because it seems clearer to me that way where, exactly, the edits should happen.

Doing this fixed the PSI issues I was having, hopefully this will help you too!