
Shenmue Disk1 runs, it’s “playable” but not perfect, very reasonable. I think with a few more tweaks and it’ll play very smoothly. Free5tyle, i just want to say, i love you and the progress you’ve made on this.
For some reason game saving takes an unusually long time, but that could just be shenmue, i’ve not played it on my actual dreamcast recently, but i don’t remember game saves taking that long. (My pi2 is inside an original gameboy, so a portable dreamcast is amazing!)

I do have a couple requests. Because mine is a portable gameboy, and saving takes a while, i wonder if Save States are possible. I use savestates for everything that i can. 1 button to save, 1 button to load.

Also is there a way i can reverse the axis on reicast? other emulators i can select which axis direction is what. Because my joystick(PS-Vita thumbstick) is technically upside down, left is right, and up is down. In other emulators like mupen64plus i can configure these, same with all the libretro emulators. I’d also need to change the sensitivity, my joystick only needs a very tiny deadzone, and has a rather limited maximum range, of the 32k range that mupen64 uses. i can only use about 15-16k ranges, so normally full forward would cause a character to walk or even tip-toe(mario), but by changing the sensitivity from 32k to 14.5k(ish), and the deadzone to (256, much lower than default) i can use my joystick normally.