
Hi, try this, assuming xboxdrv is installed (sudo apt-get install xboxdrv)

via command line or SSH run:

sudo nano /etc/rc.local

You need to add this line for a wireless pad:

xboxdrv --trigger-as-button --wid 0 --led 2 --deadzone 4000 --silent &
sleep 1

or for a wired pad

xboxdrv --trigger-as-button --id 0 --led 2 --deadzone 4000 --silent &
sleep 1

just before ‘exit 0’

so it reads:

xboxdrv --trigger-as-button --wid 0 --led 2 --deadzone 4000 --silent & sleep 1
exit 0

Reboot and your pad should connect.

Then follow post #2 in this thread to configure your pad: https://www.petrockblock.com/forums/topic/need-help-with-setting-up-retropie/

To control Emulation Station with your Xbox pad:

cd .emulationstation
sudo rm es_input.cfg

Reboot and follow the prompts on screen.