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This RetroPie webpage should explain how to setup controllers for the various SNES emulators. They appear not to have an “in game” menu (like Mame when you press TAB on the keyboard).

If I were you I’d choose an emu that “obeys” the standard key mappings which on my Pi 1 are:

Hotkeys        |  Action
Select+Start   | Exit  (avoid!)
Select+B       | Reset (avoid!)
Select+R2      | Save!
Select+L2      | Load
Select+Right   | State slot
               |   increase
Select+Left    | State slot
               |    decrease
Select+X       | Retroarch menu

Some emulators exit when I press ‘Start’ or don’t start at all w/ certain ROMs. I have to fiddle w/ emulators for each game. Select your emu of choice by pressing left/right a lot when the emu starts up. You see a dialog screen then which lets you select an emulator of choice.

Good luck! :)