Homepage Forums RetroPie Project Emulation Station Themes THEME: simplified static canela v2.0 [OBSOLETE]


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  • #101363

    [quote=101113]I’m having dark bars covering much of the menu screen after I scrape for a system.

    I’m using the current version of your theme (first link on the first post) and Retropie 3.0 Beta 4.
    I have no problem diving into the xmls and tweaking numbers to make it work for me, but I took a look and couldn’t find which setting might be the issue.

    Another very easy issue. I want to be able to see the number of players for each game. Is that just a matter of changing it’s position to make only that bit of info show?

    Thanks in advance!


    I believe this is definitely down to your resolution. The theme works perfectly well on my 39″ TV but when I run:

    emulationstation --resolution 1024 1024 for example, the bars appear. This does not happen with the Simple theme.

    As an experiment, quit ES and go to the command line, enter

    emulationstation --resolution 1024 768
    (4:3 aspect ratio)
    and you should get black bars,

    then try:

    emulationstation --resolution 1024 576
    (16:9 aspect ratio)
    and this should work ok


    sorry your having issues with the theme, as robertyrob says we think this is down to screen resolutions, I have not experienced these issues so don’t feel I could comment on the issue as of yet, and I’ll have a look when I get home


    As an experiment, quit ES and go to the command line, enter

    emulationstation --resolution 1024 768
    (4:3 aspect ratio)
    and you should get black bars,

    then try:

    emulationstation --resolution 1024 576
    (16:9 aspect ratio)
    and this should work ok


    This worked exactly as you said it should. 16:9 aspect ratio gets rid of the bars.

    If you find anything it would be appreciated.


    this is a class theme but can you add SG 1000 logo and background ?


    hey mate, this skin is no longer being supported, but stay tuned there is an update, arriving very soon

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