Homepage Forums RetroPie Project Controller Configuration in RetroPie USB SNES Controller – D-Pad not working in games Reply To: USB SNES Controller – D-Pad not working in games


Yes, the yellow text appears with the same amount of space following the end. I tried removing the spaces but then it doesn’t appear as an auto-configure.

Just performed an interesting test:

I deleted the config file, re-created using the setup file but this time I set my A, B, X and Y buttons as the D-PAD whilst using the A, B, X and Y buttons as Up, Down, Left, Right. Guess what happens?

A, B, X and Y buttons remain as action buttons exactly as they always did (shoot, jump etc) whilst the D-Pad mirrors the A, B, X and Y buttons also.

The config file changed to include the input_up_btn etc