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[quote=84824]I think nilsbyte got a little upset. I think i need to clarify that im taking about when you first power on the retropie. I dont think its unreasonable to want to hide all the ugly boot sequence that comes up when you power on the retropie. Im not talking about when you load a game that would be stupid. Hiding all that console text is good User Experience Design and give your machine a more polished look. [/quote]

There is actually a better way than overlaying a video over the console output, i have experimented quite a bit with ‘plymouth’, the tool which is used by big linux distribtions such as Red Hat or Debian. plymouth has the benefit that it only lasts until the boot is complete. A video overlay has a fixed duration and will be finished even if the Pi takes longer to boot someday. I have created a nice loading animation and forwarded it to petrockblog, but it looks like he did not care about it. What a shame.