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You can’t. The screensaver modes are built into EmulationStation, you’ll have to code a way by yourself to do make it play movies. At the moment we are not planning to add this feature. If more people demand this feature, we will eventually think about it.

Thanks for your reply nilsbyte, That would be a great feature to add. For the time being, I’m wondering if you think the following will do the trick:

In GuiMenu.cpp under the screensaver behavior section:

In Window.cpp under the Window::onSleep() function:

unsigned char opacity = Settings::getInstance()->getString("ScreenSaverBehavior") == "dim" ? 0xA0 : 0xFF;
Renderer::drawRect(0, 0, Renderer::getScreenWidth(), Renderer::getScreenHeight(), 0x00000000 | opacity);


unsigned char opacity = Settings::getInstance()->getString("ScreenSaverBehavior") == "dim" ? 0xA0 : 0xFF;
	if(Settings::getInstance()->getString("ScreenSaverBehavior") == "video"){
		system("omxplayer -o hdmi --layer 10000 --loop /home/pi/video.mp4");
	} else {
		Renderer::drawRect(0, 0, Renderer::getScreenWidth(), Renderer::getScreenHeight(), 0x00000000 | opacity);

Then recompile & install

Thanks in advance,
