
I do have a work around to get music if you have an IOS device using Airplay. This will allow you to play iTunes from iphone in game.

In game custom music with AirPlay

Shairport\Airplay install
sudo apt-get install git libao-dev libssl-dev libcrypt-openssl-rsa-perl libio-socket-inet6-perl libwww-perl avahi-utils libmodule-build-perl
Let this process run for a little while. When it’s complete, we need to install an update so Shairport will work with iOS 6 (you can skip this step if you’re not on or plan to upgrade iOS 6)
iOS module
git clone https://github.com/njh/perl-net-sdp.git perl-net-sdp
cd perl-net-sdp
perl Build.PL
sudo ./Build
sudo ./Build test
sudo ./Build install
cd ..
Shairport install. from your home directory:
git clone https://github.com/hendrikw82/shairport.git
cd shairport
run Shairport:
./shairport.pl -a NickMooreRetroConsole
The command starts Shairport named “NickMooreRetroConsole” (change it to whatever you want)
load on boot:
cd shairport
make install
cp shairport.init.sample /etc/init.d/shairport
cd /etc/init.d
chmod a+x shairport
update-rc.d shairport defaults
add Shairport as a launch item
sudo nano shairport
This loads up Shairport file we need to edit. Look through the file for the “DAEMON_ARGS” line, and change it so it looks like this:
DAEMON_ARGS=”-w $PIDFILE -a NickMooreRetroConsole”
Save the file (Ctrl+X), and you’re all set. Shairport should launch on startup.

You could also use Pandora via SSH but not a big fan of that… as you have to manually start an SSH session…

You will want to overclock to med setting..

for other ideas and more info check out: http://nicholasmoore.net/2013/09/29/retroconsole-with-custom-music-rev3-1/