Homepage Forums RetroPie Project Controller Configuration in RetroPie SFC30 Losing Buttons Mapped on Restart Reply To: SFC30 Losing Buttons Mapped on Restart


[quote=118877]Between when its working ok, and creates the .bak file what happens?
Just a restart?

What does the retroarch controller folder look like before and after?
Does ES prompt you to re-enter the controller details at any point?


Yes, either a restart through the menu or turning the raspberry pi off and on at the socket.

The retroarch-joystick folder starts with the 8BitdoSFC30GamePadJoystick.cfg that I have updated with the correct inputs, at restart it creates the .bak file of my updated .cfg and recreates the default .cfg. ES does not prompt me to re-enter the controller details. Think it’d be worth starting from scratch?

[quote=118879]To change permissions do this: sudo chmod -w <path/to/file>
the -w means remove write permissions.

To change ownership (if it’s owned by the pi user) sudo chown root:root <path/to/file>

I’d highly recommend that you take a look at this and get to know some of these commands. Doing so will make life much easier when making changes to your pi.



Thanks for this I really appreciate it – I’ll look into this and give it a go!