Homepage Forums RetroPie Project Everything else related to the RetroPie Project (Dragon's Lair, Space Ace, etc.) Anyone interested in Daphne laserdisc system? Reply To: (Dragon's Lair, Space Ace, etc.) Anyone interested in Daphne laserdisc system?


I just wanted to pass along an FYI regarding the use of single video file sets for multiple game engines.

Perhaps everyone already knows this, but you don’t have to have to duplicate the large mpegs or fiddle with things every time you want to try another ROM for a title that has multiple game engines. For instance, you can run lair, lair_f, or even dle21 by merely building out the respective .daphne folders but only one of them needs to have the mpegs and audio files. In the others, only the .txt framefiles are needed, provided you adjust the first line to point to other folder with the mpegs, effectively sharing one set of video files for multiple ROMs.

This let’s you launch different versions of the game, possibly with different command parameters, without stopping to configure things between or wasting disk space with multiple copies of the large video files.