Homepage Forums RetroPie Project Video Output on RetroPie Trying Retropie on official Raspberry 7" Display Reply To: Trying Retropie on official Raspberry 7" Display


I haven’t found any guides. But I did SSH into it (or you can quit Emulationstation to access the prompt) and performed 3 commands as directed by Raspberry…
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo reboot
But I think this is for the touchscreen aspect of the display, which will not work with Emulationstation if that’s what you’re wondering.
Other than that I changed the retroarch.cfg from /opt/retropie/configs/all/ (I think thats the right location, I’m currently at work) video_refresh_rate to 50.10 since this display doesn’t like retroarch running at 60hz.

What problem, specifically are you having with the display and retropie?