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Here is my rasplex.sh contents


kodi-send --action="Notification(RASPLEX,Launching Rasplex!,4000,/storage/ss/icon.jpg)"

cd ~
mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 noobs
cp ~/ss/autobootrasplex.txt ~/noobs/autoboot.txt

sleep 2

cd ~/ss/
kodi-send --action="PlayMedia(/storage/ss/13.wav)"

sleep 1


i went into “System” “Skin Settings” Home window and changed Custom 1 to Rasplex, put a rasplex picture for the background, made the default selection action the same fakescript, and made the submenue name Launch Rasplex and custom shorcut to the rasplex.sh file. I gave the .sh 777 rights

so i got rid of the kodi send stuff and only left the commands to cp the autoboot and it works.