Homepage Forums RetroPie Project Controller Configuration in RetroPie PS3 Gamepad not working – Retro Pi 3 on Rasberry Pi 2 B Reply To: PS3 Gamepad not working – Retro Pi 3 on Rasberry Pi 2 B


Ok, in the retroarch.cfg, there were two entries that I had to remove that pre-defined the hotkey, once removed everything worked as expected.

So what does this mean if you are reading this:
1). Clean the retroarch.cfg file for any Joystick mapping
2). A generic PS3 does not equate to an actual PS3 remote, which is the most interesting tid-bit. (This is for a RockCandy PS3 remote).
2a. If you don’t have a PS3 remote, you may not have to install the bluetooth drivers. (didn’t have to for the rockcandy PS3 remote).
2b. Some controller require you to use the dongle that comes with the remote vs a generic blue tooth.

These are just some lesson learned, and I hope it helps someone else from having the same issues I did.
