Homepage Forums RetroPie Project Ideas for Further Enhancements Enhanced DOOM Ports Reply To: Enhanced DOOM Ports



Sorry, I wasn’t subscribed to this thread so didn’t see your replies! :s

Here is a link to the Zdoom binary I compiled, along with a few wads (the ones I include in my build), and their respective launchers:


All you need to do is extract and copy into your /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/ports/ folder, add in your own doom1 / doom2 wad files into the /zdoom/ folder and select one of the games in Emulation Station. The wadfiles ‘doom.wad’ and ‘doom2.wad’ must be named lowercase for my scripts to work.

*Please note that you may need to install some dependancies before Zdoom will play – visit the GitHub page below and read the readme file for further info:


I haven’t tried Hexen / Heretic / Strife however there is no reason why they shouldn’t work. I use Chocolate Doom for those ports in my builds (just to add extra variations to the ports menu).

All the best.