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Hey and thanks for your videos, I’ve watched some of them when I first got my Raspberry Pi and they helped a lot to get started!
Setting things per game will come handy, but I’m not sure it will actually help here.

In retrospect I think I should have provided more detail in the initial post to what my problem actually is *doh*

So here is what I’ve got:

  • Controllers with a PSX/SNES button layout (i.e. Dualshock 3, Xbox360 gamepad) – Those work well with all Emulators and games
  • HORI Real Arcade Pro 3 – Works well for fighting games, but needs settings per game (4- or 6-button layout)
  • X-Arcade – for most other arcade games, needs settings per game (4- or 6-button layout)

What I just realized writing this is the real problem is making those game dependent settings without breaking controls with the other controllers.
For example: I’ve got the HORI Real Arcade and a Dualshock 3 connected and want to play a game of Street Fighter (a 6-button game) with someone. This could be configured just fine:
The DS3 would use its face and shoulder buttons as always, and the HORI would use two rows of three.

But if we’d switch to Art of Fighting 3 (a 4-button game) controls on the HORI would be messed up.
Button 4 wouldn’t be the fourth button in the top row, it would be the first in the bottom row.

On the other hand, if I’d edit the game specific .cfg to fix the HORI, it would mix up the buttons on the DS3.

So if I’m not mistaken, I’d need settings per game and per controller.

To complicate things even more:
[attachment file=”layoutx.jpg”]

P.S.: Maybe getting a second HORI would be the better option ;)