Homepage Forums RetroPie Project Controller Configuration in RetroPie 8Bitdo Bluetooth Controller Guide (Retropie v3) Reply To: 8Bitdo Bluetooth Controller Guide (Retropie v3)


Hey everyone, I too was having issues with my SFC30 until I stopped sixad service.

On top of that I use both a sixaxis gamepad and my 8bitdo (and my controlblock) on my Retropie, so right now it’s no longer possible to use the 8bitdo unless I manually stop sixad, connect the 8bitdo, then run sixad again and connect the PS3 controller. Not super easy:/

The thing is, at some point it was working. I had the system working for maybe a month until the 8bitdo started to no longer connect a couple of weeks ago. So I’m wondering if a 8bditdo firmware update, or a retropie script or binary update broke my perfectly functional setup. Maybe it made sixad more agressive or start at a different time. Maybe it made my 8bitdo act differently. I can’t tell :/