Homepage Forums RetroPie Project Controller Configuration in RetroPie retrolink N64 USB Clone and Mupen64plus Hotkeys Reply To: retrolink N64 USB Clone and Mupen64plus Hotkeys


I’m having exactly the same issue. What I did:

in /opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch.cfg

input_enable_hotkey = alt
input_load_state = f4
input_save_state = f2
input_exit_emulator = escape

and commenting out in /opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch-joypads/GenericUSBJoystick.cfg

#input_enable_hotkey_btn = “7”
#input_exit_emulator_btn = “9”
#input_reset_btn = “8”
#input_load_state_btn = “4”
#input_save_state_btn = “5”
#input_state_slot_increase_btn = “h0right”
#input_state_slot_decrease_btn = “h0left”
#input_menu_toggle_btn = “0”

Basically I’m saving and exiting my n64 emulator via keyboard.
Unfortunately I haven’t found a better solution. :-(