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I only know how to make it so both the d-pad and analog work in all games.

There may be an easier way to do this, however this is how I went about it.

When you hit F1 and are in the retroarch menu, go to options/core options/ and change “Pad Type” to Analog, then go to settings/input settings -joypad mapping and change “User 1 Device Type” to RetroPad w/ Analog.

Then save your settings and follow these steps.

1. Go to your terminal and type cd /opt/retropie/configs/all

2. Type ls (to list the contents of this directory)

3. Look for your saved file, this will most likely be called libretro-1.cfg if this is your first time. libretro.cfg will be the original file. If you have saved settings in the past it could also be libretro -2,3 etc. Look for the higher number.

Once you know which one it is type this in the terminal to copy the new file with the new settings to your original file. I will assume your new file is called libretro-1.cfg in these examples.

If you want these control settings for all retroarch systems type:
cat libretro-1.cfg >> /opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch.cfg
and hit enter, then reboot.

If you want these control settings for PSX only type:
cat libretro-1.cfg >> /opt/retropie/configs/psx/retroarch.cfg
and hit enter, then reboot.