Homepage Forums RetroPie Project Everything else related to the RetroPie Project Ultrastik 360 – ultrastikcmd utility – step by step


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    For those who use the Ultrastik 360 joystick there is a Raspberry Pi version of the ultrastikcmd utility (used for flashing maps to the joystick) which has been ported by Andy S. He helped me get everything installed and I’m pleased to say it works perfectly.

    You can find the github repository here: UltrastikCmd

    Here are the step by step instruction to get this running (thanks to Andy who answered all my questions)

    Make sure you’re connected to the internet and in the terminal type:
    wget https://github.com/andrewsil1/UltrastikCmd/archive/master.zip

    Once downloaded type: unzip master.zip

    Navigate to the unzipped folder: cd UltrastikCmd-Master/

    Navigate to libusb-1.0.19: cd libusb-1.0.19/
    Type the following:
    sudo ./configure
    sudo make
    sudo make install

    Once finished navigate back by typing: cd ..

    Navigate to libusb-compat-0.1.5: cd libusb-compat-0.1.5/
    Type the following:
    sudo ./configure
    sudo make
    sudo make install

    Once finished navigate back by typing: cd ..

    Navigate to libhid-0.2.16: cd libhid-0.2.16/
    Type the following:
    sudo ./configure
    sudo make
    sudo make install

    Once finished navigate back by typing: cd ..

    Navigate to ultrastikcmd-0.2: cd ultrastikcmd-0.2/
    Type the following:
    sudo ./configure
    sudo make
    sudo make install

    Finally type: sudo ldconfig

    ultrastikcmd should now be ready to use.

    To flash a map to the ultrastik type either:
    sudo ultrastikcmd -u <full path to map file>
    sudo ultrastikcmd -v -u <full path to map file> if you want more verbose output.

    Replace <full path to map file> with the path to the map file you wish to upload. Map files can be found in: /usr/local/share/ultrastikcmd/maps

    For example to flash the 4 way map to the ultrastik type:
    sudo ultrastikcmd -u /usr/local/share/ultrastikcmd/maps/4-Way.um

    For a description of the other available arguments type: ultrastikcmd – -help

    I hope this is useful. Maybe it could be included in the retropie distro by default. A big thanks to Andy S for porting this and for helping me compile and install it.


    I assume to we need to use the windows UltraMap to create new maps and bring the new files over?


    damn, i was doing well until I got to make of ultrastik-0.2. I get an error stating it can’t find hid.h.

    n/m…redid the libhid-0.2.16 and now its working.


    so now it doesn’t allow me to configure it in Configure Input menu item?

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