Homepage Forums RetroPie Project Everything else related to the RetroPie Project Can't configure rom settings when booting game with X

  • This topic has 6 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by Anonymous.
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    Okey so I encountered this odd thing today. Been playing around iwth the configs a lot. I really enjoy this setup and want to make it to my liking to 100%..

    Today I finally got all 4 of my controllers working…

    But one thing that has happened on the way is that when I start any rom my keyboard gets disabled. So I can’t press X or M when booting a game up to change configurations. Anybody know how I can have done this.. I’ve been working for hours to get it fixed and seraching for solutions but can’t find anything..

    When I get in to the game the keyboard works fine.. It works in ES aswell. No problems.. It’s just the inbetween face while booting up the rom. It’s the same with all emulators. And also it’s the same when in ES and I press F4 I get to terminal but then it reboots in to ES right away without me being able to stop it because keyboard doesnt seem to work in terminal.

    How did this happen? THanks for helping me!


    Thats odd. Does it work if no other devices are connected to the USB ports?
    Have you tried a different keyboard?


    [quote=96855]Thats odd. Does it work if no other devices are connected to the USB ports?
    Have you tried a different keyboard?


    Well, this gets even stranger I’m afraid. So, this seems totally random, I’ve been trying to experiment a way to find out how this happens but it seems totally random.

    I get 2 different types of inputs with my wireless xbox 360 controllers. With the first and most common the up-down-left-right arrows become h0up h0down h0left h0right. With this setup only 2 controllers work, player 3 wireless controller shuts off and doesnt get playable. When this happens My Keyboard works as it should all the way.

    What I do then is pull the wireless reciever in and out of the PI until setup 2 occures where the arrows isntead become 0 1 2 3. Then All my controllers work BUT the situation occures with the keyboard not wokring in terminal..

    I HATE randomness with computing so this is frustrating the hell out of me.. Any ideas what lies behind this??

    Thanks for helping!


    When you get all 4 working, what happens when you pull the keyboard out and push it back in?


    Still no good.. Same problem.

    I thought it might have something to do with the hotkey but it doesn’t. I’ve tryed hitting x when having my hotkey button pressed in aswell but no good. as soon as I enter the game keyboard starts working again. It feels so random but I know there must be an answer some where..


    Do you always try X and M?


    [quote=96868]Do you always try X and M?


    Yes Sir!

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