The download below contains the .SVG design for a Raspberry Pi 1 model B+ acrylic case.

Download for RPi 1 model B+

Here are some pictures of the case:

The next download contains the .SVG design for a Raspberry Pi 2 model B acrylic case.

Download for RPi 2 model B


Thanks to smartroad, you can also find design files for 3D printable cases at

Thanks to NickRBrewer, individual 3D-printable parts for a whole RetroPie arcade cabinet can be found at Thingiverse, e.g., at

13 thoughts on “Design Files for RetroPie Case (for Raspberry Pi 1 B+ and Raspberry Pi 2 B)

  1. Nathan L says:

    This is awesome. I just wanted to say thanks for your work on this. I’m in the process of getting materials together to cut a few cases out at work. I’ll let you know how they turn out.

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