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    Shairport\Airplay install

    sudo apt-get install git libao-dev libssl-dev libcrypt-openssl-rsa-perl libio-socket-inet6-perl libwww-perl avahi-utils libmodule-build-perl

    Let this process run for a little while. When it’s complete, we need to install an update so Shairport will work with iOS 6 (you can skip this step if you’re not on or plan to upgrade iOS 6)

    iOS module

    git clone https://github.com/njh/perl-net-sdp.git perl-net-sdp
    cd perl-net-sdp
    perl Build.PL
    sudo ./Build
    sudo ./Build test
    sudo ./Build install
    cd ..

    Shairport install. from your home directory:

    git clone https://github.com/hendrikw82/shairport.git
    cd shairport

    run Shairport:

    ./shairport.pl -a NickMooreRetroConsole

    The command starts Shairport named “NickMooreRetroConsole” (change it to whatever you want)

    load on boot:

    cd shairport
    make install
    cp shairport.init.sample /etc/init.d/shairport
    cd /etc/init.d
    chmod a+x shairport
    update-rc.d shairport defaults

    add Shairport as a launch item

    sudo nano shairport
    This loads up Shairport file we need to edit. Look through the file for the “DAEMON_ARGS” line, and change it so it looks like this:

    DAEMON_ARGS=”-w $PIDFILE -a NickMooreRetroConsole”
    Save the file (Ctrl+X), and you’re all set. Shairport should launch on startup.

    for other ideas and more info check out:http://nicholasmoore.net/2013/09/29/retroconsole-with-custom-music-rev3-1/

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