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ok, go to your config folder and open retroarch.cfg:

Look for this and modify false/true:

# video_shader_enable = true

# Smoothens picture with bilinear filtering. Should be disabled if using pixel shaders.
video_smooth = false


If you know exactly the shader you want to use for all your system, simply enter the right path :

# Path to shader. Shader can be either Cg, CGP (Cg preset) or GLSL, GLSLP (GLSL preset)
# video_shader = “/path/to/shader.{cg,cgp,glsl,glslp}”

So, it will become:

# Path to shader. Shader can be either Cg, CGP (Cg preset) or GLSL, GLSLP (GLSL preset)
# video_shader = “/opt/retropie/emulators/retroarch/shader/crt-pi.glslp”

If you want a specific shader for an emulator: first open the retroarch.cfg file in the system you want to launch:

Example, for nes: \\RETROPIE\configs\nes\retroarch.cfg
add simply this line:

# Path to shader. Shader can be either Cg, CGP (Cg preset) or GLSL, GLSLP (GLSL preset)
# video_shader = “/opt/retropie/emulators/retroarch/shader/crt-pi.glslp”