Homepage Forums RetroPie Project Video Output on RetroPie 1080p scaling and scanlines without borders from integer scaling Reply To: 1080p scaling and scanlines without borders from integer scaling


Thanks for putting so much effort into looking at a way of improving the video output. I’ll try them out soon.

If you like, I could look to incorporate your settings as an option in the video manager tool I have, so that users dont need to make any changes in RGUI, and you can change the settings per system.

You are welcome to test out the latest version here.
BE WARNED it will overwrite custom settings you may have had, so dont try this on a setup you have spent weeks tweaking.

Its set to work with RetroPie 3, not 2.6.

When copied to your home directory

unzip -o rp-video-manager-11-JUL-2015.zip
cd /home/pi/rp-video-manager
chmod 755 videomanager.sh